Women in Publishing Conference Begins Today!

Qamber Designs and Media
Qamber Designs and Media
3 min readMar 1, 2021


Tired of digging through the internet heap for the right info? If you’ve been writing for some time, but haven’t published. If you’ve been publishing for years, but find your career growing stagnant. If you have a dream and haven’t found the means to make it a reality, look no further!

The Women in Publishing Conference has a massive lineup of experts in the industry — over 70 women providing their best tips, tools, resources, and insights.

Over the course of the next 5 days, we have a huge mission to achieve. 40+ interviews and training sessions with 70+ women who really want to share their passion for writing and publishing and selling books!

This year’s theme is The Power of Your Words. You really can make a huge impact in the world with your writing. We want to help you do it.

We recognize there is a LOT to learn and know. Writing and publishing a book is a huge time and monetary investment. We want to provide you with information that will help inform you in your decision-making process and help save you from headaches and unnecessary expenses. It’s a LOT to take in. Luckily, the conference pass allows you six months of access to learning at your own pace.

This year, we have three tracks, so you can focus on the content area that you’re most interested in: Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Children’s Books. Interested in more than one track? No problem! All ticket holders get access to everything!

What’s Included with the Conference?

You’ll receive six months of access to all the materials and all the many thousands of dollars worth of bonuses, plus access to the membership area for engagement and feedback, and support. We’ll have pre-recorded workshops, live workshops, networking events, the opportunity to ask an agent questions, the chance to chat with our speakers and sponsors… it’s going to be great!

An overview of what you’ll be getting this week:

Each day, we have a different area of focus as related to writing, publishing, and selling books. Plus development as an author, understanding the big picture, the why, and helping you overcome any fears and obstacles in your way.

Here are the areas we are tackling:

Day 1: The Big Picture for Your Book — Why We Show Up, Finding Inspiration & Mindset Issues
Day 2: Knowledge Base for Authors: Writing & Editing Resources galore
Day 3: Publishing & Production & more writing workshops
Day 4: Book Launch Strategies, Marketing, Marketing and more Marketing
Day 5: The Business of Being An Author + additional revenue streams

As you can see, it’s a big, BIG agenda.

We have best-selling Authors, Publishers, Experts in Marketing and PR, Editors, Graphic Designers, and other industry experts to talk to you about all the tools you need to write, publish, and sell your amazing book!

GRAB YOUR FULL Conference Pass

Trust us, you won’t regret it.

As we’re sure many of you already know, you could pay thousands to get this kind of coaching. OR, you can pay $147 for over 20 hours of content that you can watch at your own pace. It’s not too late to register for your conference ticket now.

See you there!



Qamber Designs and Media
Qamber Designs and Media

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